Archive for December, 2012

I’ve given up on making “resolutions”. Why? Because a resolution is just a sentence saying what you will do with no endpoint or breaking down of how you’ll get there. It becomes simply an ongoing test of willpower, a phrase you repeat over and over to yourself. Goals, on the other hand, have a completion point. They’re also measurable, and can be divided into short-term goals, smaller, easier to accomplish chunks. However, what you write, the words you use, can impact the final outcome of your goals.

Always the positive

First and foremost refrain from using negatives. List what you want to achieve instead of what you don’t want to see happen. Focusing in on the negative, the not of a phrase makes your mind think about what you don’t have instead what you’re seeking.

Words make or break a goal

Always use words that are strong, that make you feel you can achieve that goal. Be specific. Craft each goal succinctly, in words that are easy for you to remember. Write out your goals using descriptive words in as much detail as possible. And avoid ambiguous words, because you want to state exactly what it is you wish to accomplish, to see into fruition.

Thoughts shape outcomes

Your thoughts are your unspoken words. Don’t censor yourself at first. Start out by thinking, dreaming, and planning without any limits or boundaries. However, after you have edited and written out your goals, you also have to monitor the daily conversations you have with yourself (those unwritten words!) Once words of doubt, negativity, and weakness infiltrate your consciousness, you are setting yourself up to fail in realizing that goal. Also, don’t think about your goals using flabby, tentative words such as “I would like to” or “might be able to”. Use action words that accurately describe what can you do.

When you think about a goal, think of it using verbs in the present tense. That programs your subconscious mind to accept the goal as a completed fact, not something that might happen down the road.

Finally, it’s YOUR goal, and something you must really want; NOT what’s expected from you, or what everyone else is trying to do. You must also go beyond the words, believing that you can achieve your goal, so visualize your success, and feel yourself arriving at that goal’s destination. Without that, well, the goal is just another collection of words no better than a resolution!

Quote of the Week

Posted: December 26, 2012 in Quotes
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As the “fiscal cliff” approaches:

“The government’s view is that the best time to announce bad news, news that it doesn’t want the public to dwell on is late on a Friday, when it will wind up in the Saturday papers, as there are fewer readers then the weekday editions. A holiday weekend is even better.”  – Bob Schieffer


“As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December’s bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same.” – Donald E. Westlake

“Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.” – Dave Barry

Has gift selection turned into THE major stress of the season? Looking for that special gift but nothing fits the bill? Then try something new: Give the gift of words!

Here are 5 ways words can be used to create unique gifts: 

1. Write a testimonial. Does your gift recipient provide a business, service or product you love? Write a heartfelt testimonial explaining why that person’s product or service is the best. Any business owner will be thrilled to receive your testimonial and post it on his/her web site or office. And what is a testimonial worth? As that credit card commercial says: Priceless 

2. Buy a journal or address book and write a personal message in it. Each time they use this book, they can read your message over and over again. Truly the gift that keeps on giving all year long!

3. Make a collage and frame it. Take photos of the recipient and cut out words from a magazine that express your feelings about that person. Then frame it. A one of a kind gift that will make the person feel special. 

4. Write sayings on a picture frame mat board. Mat boards are a blank slate. Your words enhance the photo it surrounds, and a pretty frame turns this project not only into a personalized gift but also into an elegant unforgettable one.

5. Write phrases/messages on your gift box. What a surprise for the person unwrapping the gift to find a “hidden” message under the wrapping paper!

When you express your love and gratitude in written words, you immortalize your feelings. Your recipient can read your words and experience your love over and over again. So give the gift of words.

For more ideas on how to use writing to “destress” your holidays, order my FREE 7-page e-booklet of tips, “Write Your Way Out Of Holiday Stress!”.
E-mail me and put “busting stress” in the subject line.


Quote of the Week

Posted: December 4, 2012 in Quotes
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“My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living.” – Anais Nin