Archive for February, 2017

Pope Francis told a Swedish newspaper in November that every human being transmits hatred through malicious speech and is potentially a terrorist by simply using abusive language.

Here’s the quote:

“I am speaking of a deceitful and hidden form of terrorism that uses words as bombs that explode, causing devastation in peoples’ lives…It is a way of creating space for yourself by destroying others.” – Pope Francis

Quote of the Week

Posted: February 21, 2017 in Quotes
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“We like to think of our names as uniquely representing our uniqueness. And yet names are more like rooms in our home, full of both inevitability and choice, uniqueness and convention, but far from inclusive of everything.” – Susan Choi

Following up on Liam Stack’s quote, here is a sample of the use of emojis in translating scripture using the online text translator at



There is also a book out Bible Emoji: Scripture 4 Millenials

Does a universal language exist? The ancients had pictographs, we have emojis!

“…emojis are universal in the strictest sense. Emojis have no gender, no race and no agenda.” – Liam Stack is quoted in the NY Times article “Emoji Bible Translates Scripture Into Smileys”

Here’s a new word: “stream cheating”. This is when you can’t wait for your significant other to stream your favorite TV show.

It has also been dubbed by New York Magazine as “Netflix Adultery”. A Harris Interactive survey on behalf of Netflix said that 51% of those in a relationship would do just that. And gasp, some revealed that they would even watch it a second time and pretend they haven’t seen it.