Archive for August, 2023

In memory of those we lost 22 years ago on 9/11
The only sound
Is water falling to the ground.
Birds are absent
No song to salute the day.
Parents remember
What was here so long ago.
Their children walk by
Silent figures in a silent world.
A gentle mist falls
Obscuring you on the other side.
The fog rolls in
The tall buildings blotted out.
Like cloth hung
Too long in the sunlight,
Colors gone
We see only black and grays.
Most care not
To remember the horror.
Life continued
But the memories have faded away.



On Flying Through the Heavens
Traveling by plane continues to present hassles. Weather problems, runway close encounters between planes, delayed or cancelled flights. And yet in spite of it all, it is still the way most people choose to travel from point A to point B either for vacation or work. Wired magazine(July/Aug 2023, The Unparalleled Squareness of Pete Buttigieg) had a great interview with Pete Buttigieg who is the US secretary of transportation. One of the questions Virginia Heffernan asked him was “Are there more ways the challenges of transportation speak to your spiritual side?” Here is his reply:
“Something about movement, something about travel pulls us out of the routines that numb us to who we are, to what we’re doing, to everything in our relationships with each other, to our relationships with God. That’s part of the reason why so many important things in the Bible happen on highways.
And then journeys – they’re also just marvels. Every flight is a marvel that pulls us out of that in the same way that religious rituals, holidays, liturgies are one kind of routine that pulls us out of another kind of routine. When you get on a plane, people buckle their seat belts and listen to the flight attendant’s very predictable pronouncements. It’s routine. It’s almost a ritual, right? And yet you’re preparing to fly through the heavens.”

Makes you see taking a plane to visit grandma in a whole different light, now doesn’t it?