Archive for February, 2019

“Our colleague, a frequenter of pubs, applied for a vanity license plate that would cement his reputation as the ‘bar king.’” A week later, he arrived to work with his new plates: BARKING.” – Nancy Send, Interlochen Michigan, Reader’s Digest @Work

 “A customer walked into our electronics store and asked, ‘Can you show me an ovulating fan?’ I was tongue-tied but another clerk wasn’t. ‘You don’t want one,’ he told her. “They work only oce a month.” – James Richards, Omak Washington, Reader’s Digest @Work

“Feeling some discomfort, I complained to my wife: ‘My wedding ring is cutting off my circulation.’ ‘Good,’ she said. ‘That’s what it’s supposed to do.’” – Larry Trotter, Hartselle, Alabama, Reader’s Digest Life’s Funny

“These days, social media feels like a fistfight inside a garbage truck inside a septic tank.” – Jason Gay, Vogue Magazine November 2018 “Ms. Popularity”