Archive for January, 2021

A Song for A Sick Nation

Posted: January 19, 2021 in Uncategorized

Come on down and join the patriots
Hold their rallies and sing their songs
Not minding reality, not owning to their wrongs.
Come on down and watch the people
Stand patiently in a mile long line
Waiting for his words of hope in this painful time.
Come on down to the President’s rally
Promises tossed in the air like bread
The thousand who are homeless and don’t have a bed.
Come on down to the virus side show
See the people sick and dead
He lies to you to dispel the fears in your head.
Come on down to sing a song for our sick Nation
Come on down for the magic vaccine
You cast your vote for him, now a traitor and a has been.

The word liminal means on the threshold, being between where you were but not yet to where you’re going. A sort of waiting, holding space, that generates hope as to what might be and anxiety over what might not.
We, as a nation, are standing in that “liminal” space right now. Though it’s a “new year” on our calendars, we still have the proverbial foot in the past and the other raised but fearing to put it down and step forward. The COVID virus is still raging but we have a vaccine. The problem is that the administering of it is more like tortoise speed instead of warp speed. So will the pandemic get worse or will these vaccines halt it? We are awaiting the Inauguration of a new president, who is an entirely different personality from the current “lame duck” president who is doing his best to continue the destroy our democracy. Will our new president be able to overcome all that and move us forward? We have a new Congress that is no longer dominated by one party but will that produce a future of bipartisan cooperation or just more divisiveness. No one knows.
Personally, we all wonder if the failure of small businesses will continue, if food insecurity will continue, if the environment will continue to be destroyed. We know what the past was like, but can any person aka the new president, change any of this? And so we stand and wait in this liminal space. Perhaps the storming of our capital nudged us a bit forward. Perhaps Jan 20th will indeed be a new era. Perhaps it will take more to blast us out of this, something at the moment we can’t foresee. Hopefully, by the grace of God, it will be a positive event for we have had enough of the darkness that has dragged us down over the last 4 years.

I feel that this excerpt from the “What I Know For Sure” column in the July/August 2020 issue of Oprah magazine says it all on how we need to approach 2021:
First she quotes Haroon Rashid: “ ‘We fell asleep in one world and woke up in another. Suddenly Disney is out of magic, Paris is no longer romantic, New York doesn’t stand up anymore, the Chinese wall is no longer a fortress, Mecca is empty.
Hugs & kisses suddenly become weapons, and not visiting parents & friends is an act of love. Suddenly you realize that power, beauty & money are worthless and can’t get you the oxygen you’re fighting for.
The world continues its life and it is beautiful. It only puts humans in cages. I think it’s sending a message:
You are not necessary. The air, earth, water and sky without you are fine. When you come back, remember that you are my guests. Not my masters.’ ”
Then Oprah wraps up with saying: “We got a time-out. We required a reset so we could see without obstruction what is essential.
I hope we all get the lessons we most needed – as individuals and as a collective world consciousness – so we can move forward with a desire to heal ourselves and our planet. I know for sure that if we don’t learn from being literally sent to our rooms, when we finally come out, the next challenge will be even harder.”