Archive for June, 2013

10 Small Marketing Ideas That Get BIG Results

2013 is half over. The lazy days of Summer are here. Do you feel like you’re “winding down” at this point? Don’t know what easy marketing efforts you can do to  “wind up” your business? This time of year is not the time to initiate grandiose marketing ideas. However, sometimes it’s the small things that can net the big results. Here are 10 of my favorites that don’t take a lot of time or money to implement:

1. A Personalized name tag 
How many times have you gone to events, managed to scrawl your name and company name on the self-adhesive name tag, only to find out halfway through the event it fell off your jacket? Don’t you hate those sticky things? Well, if you want to make sure that you are remembered, use your computer to create a name tag that will fit in a plastic clip-on holder. Take it with you wherever you go and you never will be nameless!

2. An eye catching postcard to leave on tables at networking events 
Everyone puts out business cards. Brochures are expensive and rather passé. Create a postcard with an eye catching graphic on the front or a catchy slogan, and print your information on the reverse. Table top items are “eye candy” and postcards are a cheap way to go.

3. A one page handout with a client success story 
You should have client success stories written and posted on your website. It’s a way for prospects to see, in a real life manner, how you’ve helped other businesses. So why not print them out and carry a few with you? They should be interesting (why they are called “stories”) and engaging, and the next time a prospect asks you for more information about your product or services, hand them the appropriate “story”.

4. A page on your website with customer testimonials
No better way to turn prospects into customers than for them to read rave reviews from your past and present clients on how you satisfied their needs.

5. Snail mail holiday & birthday cards to your customers and prospects
In this day of electronic communications, snail mail will make you stand out! And the next 4 months provide a bonanza of holidays.

6. A wallet size card with 10 tips on it for your prospects 
Another “take away” promotion idea that will have your prospects convinced you provide value.

7. The back of your business card containing a special offer
Don’t let that valuable “real estate” go to waste. Come up with a simple freebie offer that becomes your call to action to move things ahead after they take your card (and thus be able to add them to your contact database!).

8. A resource center page on your website with links to information your clients and prospects would appreciate
The internet is full of valuable information. We all have a collection of websites book marked that are helpful in running our business. Shared them!

9. An interest catching tag line to post under your company name on your website and on business cards
This is a way to make yourself memorable. Don’t be cutsy or hard to understand. The tagline should motivate the reader to want to know more about you.

10. A professional photograph of yourself – put it on your business cards and website
I don’t know how many times I look at a card before planning to meet with the individual and just can’t put a face to the name. A professionally done headshot does cost a bit, but the investment is well worth it. Surveys have shown that business cards with photographs of the person have more impact.

There you have it, 10 easy low cost marketing ideas to keep up the momentum. You might not want to try them all but just a few can help you extend your promotional reach and maybe pick up a new client or two.

Fun With Language

Posted: June 20, 2013 in Fun with words

The difference one letter makes!

cartoon for blog

Did you know that at one time JK Rowling, who wrote the successful Harry Potter series, was an out-of-work single mother, living on welfare and contemplating suicide? But she turned her dispair into inspiration! If you’re feeling down this week here is her quote to inspire you:
“I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive.”

For us here on the East Coast, this summer will not be the same. We in NJ have our beaches restored but in most cases the boardwalks we remember will never be the same. That day in October, Sandy washed into the sea generations of memories and family traditions. I feel this quote sums it all up: 

“Like so many things, when they become commonplace, they lose some of their magic – until they are gone.” –  Gordon Hess, “Water Writes” Spring issue of Shore Magazine