Archive for October, 2020

Do you believe that the earth is flat? 89,000+ people do, according to a story in Wired magazine, even though we have 60+ years of photos from out in space taken by numerous countries that prove it’s a globe.
Do you believe President Trump when he says “the virus is vanishing” even though thousands of people and maybe even someone you know, have died today?
Words do matter in the cases of hoaxes, misinformation, and downright lies.
Truths are based upon facts, words that cannot be disputed as false.
President Trump doesn’t care about whether his words are true or false as long as they get him what he wants: Re-election.
If you want to hear the truth, the facts, and have them acted upon in the next four years, then vote for Biden. If words don’t matter as to their truth or falsehood, then by all means, vote for Trump. After all…the earth just might be flat!

Who is the official mascot of 2020?  The raccoon!
What makes him so?
            He always wears a mask and he compulsively washes his hands!
So follow his example…and also vote!

Quote of the Week

Posted: October 17, 2020 in Quotes, Uncategorized
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Words that Matter
Margaret Mead quote “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Quote of the week

Posted: October 10, 2020 in Words and communications
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Saw this on a T-shirt “The power of the people is greater than the people in power.” So get out and VOTE!